Need help solving your health problems?

Looking for real answers to your health problems using natural health treatments?

Not getting real results with your current Doctor, Naturopath, or other health providers?

Isn’t it time you got some real answers and solutions to your health problems?


Here’s why you are in the right place:

Our patients have successful outcomes because we understand them and why they don’t get results with everyday health providers, we know they simply don’t understand the depth of your health problems, which means they only ever scratch the surface of your health problems leaving you unwell, unsure and unable to enjoy your life in good health.

Why do we get results?

We understand what most health practitioners don’t even consider when it comes to your health, but simply most people don’t really have one health problem with a number of symptoms but they actually have a complex array of underlying health problems which alters the way their body reacts to diseases, with this in-depth knowledge we can provide the best possible solution to resolve even some of the worst health problems.

Understanding you and your health problems is our number 1 priority and this often means becoming a detective for our patients, many of our new patients tell us they have tried everything and they are still getting worse.  These people have very complex problems including being highly sensitive to treatments and not knowing what to do because nothing has worked for them and we know this is becoming a bigger problem due to the complex nature of diseases that we see in the world today.

Times have changed, so have the diseases people are suffering from today, so if you want a solution for modern diseases you need to know exactly what you’re dealing with because it’s the only way you will get well!

Natural treatments for today’s complex problems

We provide serious natural health solutions for some of the most complex problems people are facing today, here is just some of the ways we can help you:

Be your health detective, diagnose of your biggest underlying health problems, and provide customized solutions/treatments programs to solve the problems
Work with a practitioner that understands your problems are complex
Work on any level including a genetic level to support your strengths and weaknesses to gain advantages in improving your health
Treating both serious physical and mental health problems
Access to advanced Laboratory testing
Deal with the root cause of the problem for a much better outcome
Science-based diagnosis
Provide natural solutions that support your body’s health and improve your ability to get well
Help for particularly sensitive patients
Help for particularly difficult to solve health problems
Specializing in complex health problems

Right now there are thousands of diseases affecting people’s health and we can provide solutions for some of the most difficult health problems, some of the problems we specialize in include:

  • Autoimmune disease
  • Allergy & Intolerances
  • Cancer
  • Chronic Pain
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Chronic Illness
  • Complex health problems
  • Digestive problems
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Mental health problems
  • Genetic health problems
  • Lyme disease and its co-infections
  • Mold diseases and mycotoxins
  • MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity)
  • Environmental diseases
  • EMF (electromagnetic radiation)
  • Diet & exercise resistant weight gain
  • And many more

Don’t wait, don’t hesitate, contact us today for a phone consultation and get yourself on the right track to solving your health problems with a natural solution to your health problems.

We are currently taking referrals from Doctors and Naturopath’s, please use the following contact page if you are a referring practitioner:  Practitioner referral contact page.